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ADLI press release relating to the repeal of the circulars of shame, the circulars prohibiting the marriage of the Tunisian presumed Muslim to a presumed non-Muslim

Press release on September 14, 2017

Finally, less injustice for Tunisian women

The repeal of liberticidal, discriminating and unconstitutional circulars The Tunisian Association for the Defense of Individual Freedoms ( congratulates Tunisian women and men on the occasion of the cancellation of circulars prohibiting the marriage of the Tunisian presumed Muslim to a presumed non-Muslim, including circular no. ° 216 of November 5, 1973 of the Minister of Justice.Thanks to the efforts of civil society in general and by the coalition for the Repeal of the Circular of 1973, the association A9aliet, the collective for individual freedoms, and the `ATFD, in particular and after long years of activism, Tunisian women today enjoy their full right to choose their companion freely. It is important to specify that this victory comes following the adoption of the comprehensive law on the fight against violence against women of August 11, 2017, which clearly states the "right of women to full and effective equality" Tunisia has today won a new battle among many that remain to come in the process of democratization and the establishment of a rule of law which recognizes and respects individual freedoms and human rights.  

For the ADLI,



Monday, September 18, 2017

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