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Round table: local communities and individual liberties

Dans le cadre de ses activités l’association tunisienne de défense des libertés individuelles (ADLI)  a organisé  une table ronde sous la thématique : « Collectivités locales et libertés individuelles », qui a eu  lieu le vendredi 5 avril 2019 à Tunis.

This round table allowed mainly to briefly present and to discuss at length the themes which are as follows:

Human rights and the code of local authorities Pr. Wahid Ferchichi

Local authorities, central state: sharing and expansion! Dre. Jinan limam

Regulatory power of local communities and exercise of freedoms, Mr. Anoir Zayani

Freedom of opinion in a local setting Ms. Jaweher Skhiri,

Local authorities and civil status Mr. Abdelkarim Laaouiti

Local communities and cultural freedoms Ms. Rabeb Mokrani

Planning, aesthetics and individual liberties Dr. Sana Ben Noomen

Local communities and places of worship Dr. Mohamed Amine Jelassi

Local communities and management of cemeteries Mr. Sélim Daghari

Local authorities before the judge: Ms. Amira Ghommidh