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Appel à candidatures – Projet d’Appui aux Libertés Individuelles

As part of its project to support individual freedoms, the Tunisian Association for the Defense of Individual Freedoms (ADLI: is launching a call for applications for the benefit of young lawyers and representatives of civil society, from Greater Tunis and having between 22 and 30 years old, in order to participate in the process of drawing up unconstitutionality files.

The individual freedoms support project, funded by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, consists of organizing during the months of March, April and May 2017, 3 workshops on the analysis of the points of unconstitutionality of 6 Tunisian legal texts affecting individual freedoms. and this, under the supervision of an expert in Law. These workshops will bring together a total of 60 young lawyers and representatives of Tunisian civil society. Each workshop will bring together 5 law students, 5 young magistrates or students in magistrates' school, 5 young lawyers or students of the bar school as well as five young representatives of civil society.

During these workshops, human rights themes will be discussed, in particular national and international legal frameworks that guarantee individual freedoms, mechanisms for appeal to the constitutional court and advocacy techniques.

These workshops will be crowned, in October 2017, by a publicized presentation of the work carried out and by the publication of the studies carried out throughout the project as well as by the holding of a simulation of the constitutional court.

To apply, please send us a CV and a cover letter to the following email address: before March 11, 2017 at midnight.

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