Tunisia: A Pact for equality and individual freedoms is born
More than 90 signatory associations
(Tunis, July 24, 2018) To concretize their attachment to a civil and democratic Tunisian Republic, more than 90 associations in Tunisia are today launching the Pact for Equality and Individual Freedoms, which contains the fundamental rights which every Tunisian must benefit. This Pact comes in the wake of the publication of the report of the Committee on Individual Freedoms and Equality, established in August 2017 and whose report was released on June 12.
Au vu des propositions de la Commission, qui vise à inscrire les droits humains au cœur du système juridique tunisien et à se débarrasser des lois qui ont longtemps servi d’instrument de répression aux mains des gouvernements, les organisations et personnalités signataires ont estiménécessaire d’élaborer ce Pactequi reprend en 10 points les principales recommandations de la Commission, et appellent les autorités à les traduire le plus tôt possible dans la législation. Une cérémonie d’adhésion au Pacte sera organisée lors du Congrès de Tunis pour les libertés et l’égalité, mardi 24 juillet 2018 à 17h à la Cité de la Culture, salle Omar Khlifi.
« Tunisia is at an important turning point in its history. The recent gains in the democratic field will remain very fragile if the basis of individual freedoms and equality between all Tunisian citizens is not strengthened, ”Said Yosra Frawes, President of the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women.
President Béji Caid Essebsi created the Committee on Individual Freedoms and Equality on August 13, 2017, on the occasion of National Women's Day. He instructed her to recommend reforms " relating to individual freedoms and equality, which derive from the provisions of the constitution of January 27, 2014, international human rights standards and current trends in the field of freedoms and equality ". The nine-member Commission is chaired by Bochra Bel Haj Hmida, member of parliament.
In its report, the Commission recommends decriminalizing sodomy, guaranteeing equality between men and women in inheritance, repealing laws based on "morality" and abolishing the death penalty.
« It is today the responsibility of all political actors, including the President of the Republic and the parties represented in Parliament, to do everything possible to translate into law these recommendations and principles included in the report of the Commission and included. in this Pact, "Said Nessryne Jelali, President of the Al Bawsala Association.
Based on the principles of freedom, equality and dignity, the Covenant also calls for the abolition of the death penalty, as well as all forms of discrimination between citizens, whatever the justification or the foundation.
« Human rights have long been obscured in the legal system in Tunisia, which has instead enshrined authoritarianism and the domination of single thought in the political and societal field over the primacy of respect for individual freedom., ”Said DimitrisChristopoulos, President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH).
The Covenant calls for strengthening the fight against torture and any other form of violation of human dignity, as well as respect for sexual freedoms and gender orientations, inherent in fundamental human rights. It makes the presumption of innocence and guarantees of access to a fair trial as well as the fight against arbitrary arrests central to the rule of law.
The right to privacy, freedom of conscience and thought, freedom of expression, academic and artistic freedoms, are also considered fundamental rights and represent the pillars of a democratic, creative and plural society.
« Tunisians have shed many yokes since the Revolution, but now is the time to have a real legislative revolution and to recognize that the individual, as a creator of values, standards and wealth for himself and for the community must be protected against arbitrary interference by the State or others, ”Said Amna Guellali, director of Human Rights Watch in Tunisia.
« The history of Tunisia is marked by progressive laws, such as the Code of Personal Status in 1956 and the Constitution of 2014. Today, the logical continuation to complete this movement would be to adopt the Code for individual freedoms and Equality Code as recommended by the Commission, "Said Jinan Limam, President of the Tunisian Association for Individual Freedoms.
Press contact
Amna Guellali (English, French, Arabic): 216-24-485-324 (mobile); or guellaa@hrw.org. Twitter : @aguellaa
Yosra Frawes: (English, French, Arabic): 216-21298312 (mobile); oryf@fidh.org
Wahid Ferchichi: (English, French, Arabic): 216-22254711 (portable); orwahidferchichi2014@gmail.com
Lamine Ben Ghazi: (English, French, Arabic): 216-51948708 (portable); orlamine.benghazi@albawsala.com
Signatory Associations and Organizations:
- Tunisian Coalition Against the Death Penalty
- Tunisian Association of Democratic Women
- Tunisian Association for the Defense of Individual Freedoms
- Tunisian Association for the Defense of University Values
- Tunisian Association for the Defense of the Rights of the Child
- Tunisian Association for the Fight against Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS, Tunis
- Tunisian League for the Defense of Human Rights
- Tunisian Forum of Economic and Social Rights
- National Union of Tunisian Journalists
- Al Bawsala Association
- L’Art Rue Association
- Tunisian Women's Association for Development Research
- Tahadi Association
- Shams Association
- Association Ensemble
- Dissonances Association
- Association "Vigilance" for Democracy and Civil Status
- Damj - Tunisian Association for Justice and Equality
- League of Tunisian Women Voters
- Mawjoudin Initiative for Equality
- Support Center for Democratic Transition and Human Rights
- African Women's Forum
- EUROMED rights network
- International Federation for Human Rights
- Let's be active / active
- Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Lawyers Without Borders
- Legal Agenda
- Women and Citizenship Association - El Kef
- Association Tunisie Terre des Hommes
- Tunisian Federation for a citizenship of both shores
- Association for the development and supervision of young people and children - Jendouba
- Civil Soumoud Collective
- Sounbola Association
- Equality Parity Association
- Trait d'Ution Association
- Tunisian Minority Support Association
- Joussour Citizenship Association - Le Kef
- Association of school creativity
- Citizenship and Freedoms Association
- Mouwatinet Association
- Association for the Promotion of the Right to Difference
- Citizens & Solidarity Association
- Observatory for the defense of the right to be different
- Tawhida Ben Cheikh Group for Research & Action in Women's Health
- Tunisia Culture and Solidarity Association - Paris
- World Organization Against Torture
- Association by الحوم
- Tunis Center for Press Freedom
- Tunisian Association for Integrity and Democracy of Elections
- Tunisian Women's Coalition
- Enda Inter-Arabic
- Tunisian Association for Positive Prevention
- Tunisian Association for Reproductive Health
- Free sight association
- Association the manifesto of culture
- Chouf Association
- Al-Sajine Initiative 52
- Amnesty International - Tunisia Section
- Al Kahina Association for Culture and Development
- CALAM Association
- Psychologists of the World
- The Path of Dignity Association
- Parity Citizenship Association - Tigar
- Association of rural women - Jendouba
- Horra organization
- Waai Association
- United-to-them Association
- MagidaBoulila Association for Modernity - Sfax
- Aswat Nissaa Association
- Association FanniRaghmanAnni
- International Council of Women Entrepreneurs
- Tunisian Council of Secularism
- Jamaity Association
- Lam Echaml Association
- Manifesto Association for Development and Citizenship - Beja
- M’nemty Association
- Tunisian Organization for Social Justice and Solidarity
- Doustourna network
- National network of peer educators Y-PEER Tunisia
- Women and Leadership Association
- Frida Association
- Education and Family Organization
- Development Association for Education and the Family
- Nimaa Association for Development and Democracy
- People's Voice Association
- Al-Na'oura Association
- Zmorda space
- Association of Friends of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Wednesday, July 25, 2018