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Call for applications Award for best media productions for the year 2019

As part of its support activities for individual freedoms, the Tunisian Association for the Defense of Individual Freedoms ADLi ( with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, awards for the 3rd consecutive year, the “MEDIALIB” Prize for the best media productions related to individual freedoms for the year 2019. The award ceremony will take place on Tuesday March 24, 2020.
Presentation of the Tunisian Association for the Defense of Individual Freedoms ADLi:
ADLI is a non-profit association, which was conceived and created on March 7, 2011, and the initiative was guided by a desire to emphasize individual freedoms. These freedoms which are closely linked to the individual and which remain relatively ignored or even marginalized compared to collective freedoms In fact, the period after January 14 was characterized by a strong politicization of social life. This phenomenon has led to a renewed interest in all civil and political freedoms and rights, including the creation of associations, political parties and trade unions. But this politicization has, in a way, sidelined the Individual: the whole debate revolved around the rights of different groups (NGOs, political parties and unions). This movement, emphasizing group rights and collective freedoms, was reinforced during the election period when the individual, his rights and his freedoms were absent from the campaign. Aware that the individual (his rights and freedoms) is at the very heart of any democratic process and constitutes the engine of civic life, a group of citizens (lawyers and non-lawyers) have opted for the creation of an association for the defense of individual liberties.
Presentation of the completion:
The ADLI and in the continuation of its activities of defense of individual freedoms and human rights has chosen for this year and for the 3rd season to honor women and men working in the media field, who have distinguished themselves for defense and promotion of individual freedoms in Tunisia in 2019. This initiative is an opportunity to salute these supporters who have never ceased to give their best to cover, document and publish works relating to human rights and freedoms individual in particular. Candidates are called upon to present their published press articles, radio broadcasts, audio-visual broadcasts and illustrations (especially caricatures) on the themes of individual freedoms: freedoms related to the body, conscience and free choice.
3 prizes will be awarded this year:
Press awards written: 1.5 00 dt
Audio media price: 1.5 00 dt
Audio-visual media price: 1.5 00 dt
Illustration-caricature price: 1.5 00 dt
Selection criteria :
- written press journalist, radio, television ...
- age between 18 and 40 years;
- the video and audio supports must be between 10 to 15 minutes;
- media products (article, report) that have been the subject of a publication in a media medium.
- each candidate is only entitled to one entry, receipt of two products for one person will result in the cancellation of his participation.
Documents required
1- A CV
2- The product in pdf format for press articles, video recordings, audio recordings, illustrations (caricatures).
Applications should be sent to the following email address:
NB: put in the subject line of the email: ADLI-MediaLib2019
Applications are open until Sunday March 08, 2020, a jury composed of 3 members will be responsible for the selection.
Only successful candidates will be contacted