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Célébrer la journée mondiale de lutte contre l`homophobie et la transphobie 17 mai 2017

The civil collective for individual freedoms is celebrating this year and for the second time, the world day against homophobia and transphobia, on May 17, 2017.

Celebrating the World Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia takes on special significance this year, with an emphasis on diversity and recognition of all sexualities and all gender identities and expressions.

The civil collective recalls:

–          La célébration du 17 mai en Tunisies`inscrit dans une ambiance d`homophobie et de transphobie régnante, dont témoignent les nombreuses affaires d`arrestation et de condamnation des personnes pour « homosexualité » et arrestation de personnes transgenres , en les accusant d`outrage à la moralité publique. Les articles 226, 226 bis, 227 bis, 230 et 231 du code pénal continuent d’êtreappliquéspour condamner despersonnes LGBTQI++ à des peines privatives de libertés, corrélées à des traitements et pratiques cruels assimilés à la torture (test anal).

- Despite this environment of repression, the member associations of the Civil Collective for Individual Freedoms strengthen their position and reaffirm the principle of equality and the rights of all, including LGBTQI ++ people, to integrity, dignity and enjoy their rights as human and full citizens.

The Civil Collective draws attention to the fact that the celebration of May 17 coincides this year, with:

- The Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights situation in Tunisia by the Human Rights Council, and the presentation of an alternative report devoted for the first time to the rights and situation of LGBTQI people ++ .

- The dissemination of the press release from the Council of the Order of Physicians declaring the unconstitutionality of the vaginal test and the anal test.

The Civil Collective welcomes the fact that:

The member associations of the Civil Collective for Individual Freedoms lead their advocacy, continue to defend LGBTQI ++ people before courts that apply homophobic, transphobic and liberticidal texts and try to bring their legal, psychological and social aid and support to the "victims" of the transphobia and homophobia ...

On the occasion of this day, we, members of the Civil Collective for Individual Freedoms:

- Let us remind the Tunisian State of the obligation to respect the various provisions of the Constitution of 2014 and the commitments resulting from duly ratified international conventions, and which advocate the rights to equality, dignity and physical integrity ;

- We demand the immediate repeal of articles 226, 226 bis, 227 bis, 230 and 231 of the penal code,

- We demand that we no longer arrest LGBTQI ++ people,

- Demand an immediate end to the use of anal testing and humiliating and degrading tests that affect physical integrity and dignity; and to comply with the decision of the Council of the Order of Physicians.

The signatory associations:

1. Tunisian Association for the Defense of Individual Freedoms (ADLI) 

2. The League tunisienne des droits de l’homme

3.       L’Tunisian Association of Democratic Women

4.       L’Bayti Association


6.The Mawjoudin Initiative for EqualityWeExist

7. The League of Tunisian Electors

8. The Tawhida Ben Cheikh Group-For Research & Action in Women's Health

9. The Shams Association

10. The Tunisian Association for Justice and Legality DAMJ

11. The CHOUF MINORITIES Association

12.   The Association for the Promotion of Law to the ADD difference

13. The League of Tunisian Electors LET

14. The Association Tunisian for the fight against STDs and AIDS ATL

15. The Waai Association

16. The Tunisian Association for Health and Reproduction Y-PEER

17. The CALAM Association

18. The Free Sight Association

19. The Tunisian Organization for Social Justice and Solidarity OTJUSS

20. The Tunisian Association for Positive Prevention + ATP +

21. The Doustouna Network

22. The Horra Association

23. The Coalition for Women of Tunisia

24. EUROMED RIGHTS network

25. OXFAM 

26.     (ASF)

27. The World Organization Against Torture (OMCT


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

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