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EPU : 18 Etats interpellent la Tunisie sur les violations basées sur l’orientation sexuelle et l’identité de genre

Tunis on May 04, 2017

Following the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Tunisia on May 02, 2017 before the United Nations Human Rights Council, " the Tunisian Coalition for the Rights of LGBTQI ++ People »and"The Civil Collective for Individual Freedoms"call on the Tunisian authorities to respond positively to the many recommendations it has received concerning human rights violations against LGBTQI ++ people ++

In September 2016, the Coalition presented to the Human Rights Council a parallel report that highlights the main trends in violations of the rights of LGBTQI people in Tunisia, relating to the legal framework, discrimination and de facto violence, access to services, economic, social and cultural rights as well as freedom of association and the situation of LGBTQI ++ activists

The Tunisian Coalition for the Rights of LGBTQI ++ People and the Civil Collective for Individual Freedoms welcome the reaction of the official Tunisian delegation to the UPR having affirmed that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and identity gender is an offense and that LGBTQI ++ people must fully enjoy their fundamental rights without any discrimination making reference to articles 21, 23 and 24 of the constitution. However, we regret that these principles are far from being applied in reality.

Indeed, LGBTQI ++ people in Tunisia remain victims of a repressive legislative arsenal enshrined mainly in article 230 of the penal code and continue to suffer all forms of stigma, discrimination and violence on a daily basis. We recall in this regard that to prove homosexual practices, the Tunisian authorities continue to have recourse to the "anal test", a practice often carried out under duress and without the informed consent of the person concerned. This practice is also recognized by the United Nations International Commission against Torture as cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment which can amount to a practice of torture.

Our organizations therefore call on the Tunisian authorities to comply with the recommendations received during the Universal Periodic Review, in particular:

- Repeal immediately and without delay article 230 of the penal code

- Prohibit the practice of anal testing as proof of homosexual practices

- Revise the penal code and the code of penal procedures in order to harmonize them with the principles of the Tunisian Constitution and international conventions relating to human rights.

- Fight against all forms of stigma and discrimination against the LGBTQI ++ community and repress any call to hatred and violence

The Tunisian Coalition for the Rights of LGBTQI ++ People:

The Civil Collective for Individual Freedoms:

- الجمعية التونسية للنساء الديمقراطيات ATFD

–         جمعية بيتي BEITY

–         مبادرة السجين 52 ALSEJINE

–         الجمعية التونسية للدفاع عن الحريات الفرديةADLI

–         جمعية شمسSHAMS

–         جمعية دمج الجمعية التونسية للعدالة والمساواة DAMJ

–         جمعية شوفCHOUF

–         جمعية الحق في الاختلاف ADD

–         الجمعية التونسية لمقاومة الأمراض المنقولة جنسيا والسيدا ATL MST SIDA

–         الجمعية التونسية للوقاية الإيجابية ATP+

–         مبادرة موجودين للمساواة MAWJOUDIN

–         جمعية حرة HORA

–         جمعية رؤية حرةFREE SIGHT

–         التحالف من أجل نساء تونس COALITION POUR LES FEMMES DE TUNISIE

–         جمعية تحدي TAHADDI

–         الشبكة الوطنية لمثقفي الاقران    Y-PEER Tunisie Réseau national des éducateurs pair 

–         رابطة الناخبات التونسيات LET

–         الشبكة الاورومتوسطية للحقوقEUROMED DROITS

–         محامون بلا حدودAvocat Sans Frontières 

- Heinrich Böll Stiftung Foundation 


Saturday, May 6, 2017

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